Nabor do klanu / Recruitment

Nabor znovu otevren (L2 Reborn 2020). Hledame psychicky odolne hrace, ktery nevyemuji jenom proto, ze nemaji na shoty. A jsou s to ridit se pravidly klanu (viz nize). Kontaktujte ve hre char Bleys.
We may accept non-czech/slovak players, but are not exactly international clan. Communication is in czech/slovak, individual players may or may not be willing to speak, translate or respond to english. Also, anything else in clan chat is not desirable. Be warned.
War list:
Clanek I: obecne
1) Jednej tak, aby ses za to pozdeji nemusel stydet. Nebo my za tebe.
2) Pokud si nejsi jisty, tak se zeptej.
3) Pokud se nemuzes zeptat, tak to radsi nedelej.
Clanek II: hraci a postavy
1) Pravidla plati pro hrace, ne jen jeho postavu.
2) Nelze mit jinou postavu v jinem klanu (vyjimkou je pripadne nas vlastni klan pro alty).
3) Nesdilej ucet s hraci mimo klan (idealne vubec).
Clanek III: gender a rasova hygiena
1) Do klanu mohou vstoupit pouze delfky.
2) Nebo elfky. Obou pohlavi.
3) Nakonec ale rozhoduje vyse uplatku.
Clanek IV: PvP
1) Je zakazano napadat ostatni hrace, pokud prve nenapadnou oni nas (primo ci neprimo).
2) Cleny klanu, kterym je vyhlasena clan war z nasi strany, jejich pety a dalsi neoznacene chary, a hrace zvlast urcene k likvidaci, je naopak nejen vhodne, ale nutne zabit pri kazde prilezitosti.
3) V ramci 1 & 2 porad plati clanek I, 1/2/3. Specielne jsou zakazane vulgarity v chatu, neprima agrese apod.
4) Maximalni PK count je 4.
Clanek V: loot
1) Loot z klanovych akci rozdeli leader nebo osoby, ktere urci.
2) A to zpusobem, ktery uznaji za vhodny, napr., ale nejen, prodejem & vyplatou dividend ucastnikum.
3) Nebo loot nerozdeli a pouzije jej na kryti nakladu na chod klanu.
Zakazana slova: glad, tyrant, Zapik, nejdu.
Na forum jde regnout pouze s .cz mailem.
Article I: general rules
1) Act so that you do not bring disgrace upon yourself, or us.
2) If unsure, ask.
3) If you cannot ask, do not do it.
Article II: players and characters
1) Rules apply to players, not just characters.
2) Characters in other clans are not permitted.
3) Sharing account with players outside of clan is not permitted.
Article III: gender and racial hygiene
1) Only female dark elves may join.
2) Or female elves. Of any sex.
3) But ultimately amount of bribe matters.
Article IV: PvP
1) Attacking other players is not permitted, unles they attack first (directly or indirectly).
2) Players of clan on which clan war is declared from our side, their pets and other unmarked characters, and players singled out for killing, are to be killed at every opportunity.
3) Article I, 1/2/3 still applies even when dealing with players according to 1/2. E.g. profanities in chat are not permitted, indirect aggression etc.
4) Max PK count is 4.
Article V: loot
1) Loot from clan activites is distributed by the leader or whomever he designates.
2) As he sees fit.
3) Or is not and is instead used to cover expenses of running the clan.
Forbidden words: glad, tyrant, Zapik, I am not going.
We may accept non-czech/slovak players, but are not exactly international clan. Communication is in czech/slovak, individual players may or may not be willing to speak, translate or respond to english. Also, anything else in clan chat is not desirable. Be warned.
War list:
2ndAfterGod- Abyss
Apache- AstraMilitarum
- BeastFarm
- BigGuys
- BloodyOath
BomjevikTeamCivilUnrest- clan
F0lolo -> dclanEnergy- HighRock
- TribesOfTheNorth -> ShrineOfDoom -> Hysteria
- Ignited
- IgnLted
- Lgnited
Insane- Insomnia
- JuntaCriolla
KingdomOfHeaven- KoH
- LastRide
LegendaryKnightsMclaw- MostHated
NovaForce- CCCP -> Rus -> Outlaw
- Phoenix
- Revolutions
RusQSCANDAL- Torment -> Solars
- Stellar
- ShineEternal
- TheBoys
TheNoblesTheos1- TheSaints
- TheShire
- ToNearestVillage
Toxin- TriangleSun
- TriangleSun -> Triang1eSun
Gravity -> TribesOfTheEast- UnEpic
UnionCigans (?) -> SKYNET (?) -> UnionCriolla- Wolfpack
Clanek I: obecne
1) Jednej tak, aby ses za to pozdeji nemusel stydet. Nebo my za tebe.
2) Pokud si nejsi jisty, tak se zeptej.
3) Pokud se nemuzes zeptat, tak to radsi nedelej.
Clanek II: hraci a postavy
1) Pravidla plati pro hrace, ne jen jeho postavu.
2) Nelze mit jinou postavu v jinem klanu (vyjimkou je pripadne nas vlastni klan pro alty).
3) Nesdilej ucet s hraci mimo klan (idealne vubec).
Clanek III: gender a rasova hygiena
1) Do klanu mohou vstoupit pouze delfky.
2) Nebo elfky. Obou pohlavi.
3) Nakonec ale rozhoduje vyse uplatku.
Clanek IV: PvP
1) Je zakazano napadat ostatni hrace, pokud prve nenapadnou oni nas (primo ci neprimo).
2) Cleny klanu, kterym je vyhlasena clan war z nasi strany, jejich pety a dalsi neoznacene chary, a hrace zvlast urcene k likvidaci, je naopak nejen vhodne, ale nutne zabit pri kazde prilezitosti.
3) V ramci 1 & 2 porad plati clanek I, 1/2/3. Specielne jsou zakazane vulgarity v chatu, neprima agrese apod.
4) Maximalni PK count je 4.
Clanek V: loot
1) Loot z klanovych akci rozdeli leader nebo osoby, ktere urci.
2) A to zpusobem, ktery uznaji za vhodny, napr., ale nejen, prodejem & vyplatou dividend ucastnikum.
3) Nebo loot nerozdeli a pouzije jej na kryti nakladu na chod klanu.
Zakazana slova: glad, tyrant, Zapik, nejdu.
Na forum jde regnout pouze s .cz mailem.
Article I: general rules
1) Act so that you do not bring disgrace upon yourself, or us.
2) If unsure, ask.
3) If you cannot ask, do not do it.
Article II: players and characters
1) Rules apply to players, not just characters.
2) Characters in other clans are not permitted.
3) Sharing account with players outside of clan is not permitted.
Article III: gender and racial hygiene
1) Only female dark elves may join.
2) Or female elves. Of any sex.
3) But ultimately amount of bribe matters.
Article IV: PvP
1) Attacking other players is not permitted, unles they attack first (directly or indirectly).
2) Players of clan on which clan war is declared from our side, their pets and other unmarked characters, and players singled out for killing, are to be killed at every opportunity.
3) Article I, 1/2/3 still applies even when dealing with players according to 1/2. E.g. profanities in chat are not permitted, indirect aggression etc.
4) Max PK count is 4.
Article V: loot
1) Loot from clan activites is distributed by the leader or whomever he designates.
2) As he sees fit.
3) Or is not and is instead used to cover expenses of running the clan.
Forbidden words: glad, tyrant, Zapik, I am not going.